Let's look past the sensational trumpeting. A young woman is going to die. We don't know how, yet and we don't know who is going to be the one that dunnit. The Powers That Be are touting different endings to try to fool the public (and probably to put on their website) but you can be sure that they have known all along who the culprit is going to be and the cast know as well. The rest of us have to guess and speculate.
Now most soap veterans can usually spot the one that's going to be the offender. Most often it's a spare character that isn't really meant to be long term. Remember Frank Foster's mother? If it is a major character and we know someone is leaving, that's the next likely suspect. The person arrested for the murder is almost never the one that did it. That's another Soap Law. In this case, to date, we don't know if anyone will be arrested or will confess (sometimes to cover for someone else they think has done it). We do know Chris Gascoyne is going to be leaving the show, at least for awhile. Hmmm....
But I don't think Peter Barlow has murder in him, not even when drunk. If it's going to be him, and I repeat, IF, (because I really don't know for sure) then I think it will be accidental. Even accidental death can put you in jail for manslaughter, and that will give the actor the "out" he wants and a chance to return, if he wants.
The other three front runners are Carla, Rob and Tracy. Of the three, Carla has the most motive should she discover the affair in time. Rob and Tracy? I can't see Rob doing it to defend Carla and though Tracy has form, what would her real motive be? Jealousy? Can't see that and she wouldn't kill on Peter's behalf. Accidental death could cover any of the potential suspects. One news article I ready also threw Michelle in there. Can't see that either.

Nah. I'm kidding.
It's going to be Simon. Look at all he's been through in his young life! One more heartbreak and he's gonna snap! He adores Tina and if he overhears that she and his father had an affair causing his dad to go off the wagon, who knows how he'd react?
We are not fussed about who does it as long as her death is imminent. This affair has to be one of the worst story lines in Coronation Street's history.
ReplyDeleteI agree,what a stupid story line,although the whole show has gone down hill fast forward through most of it now.
ReplyDeletei agree this tina petet thing needs to go away i dont want to watch the show any more
ReplyDeleteMy conclusion is Keegan must be a really shitty actress because they have hardly used Tina and Peter in the last few weeks.. they have clearly put the story on the back burner and I feel if there were real quality theatrics to be had the writers would milk this story silly.
ReplyDeleteThis has nothing to do with the actor's ability. She's a fine actor and storylines often push characters to the background to give them a break before a push forward to end the storyline.
ReplyDeleteKeegan's a terrible actor....quivering little hands all a'tremble, not an ounce of subtlety anywhere near her performance. She's probably coming to a panto near you.
ReplyDeleteI believe it's the story lines that have failed.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone remembers when Tina's father Joe died, it was then I feel that Tina and Gail showed their finest acting as a team.
They were all ( Joe included) excellent,very believable and I'm sure I wasn't the only one that couldn't wait to see the next episode.
From that point on, the stories involving Tina, and the rest, have begun a steady decline, have become unbelievable and therefore the acting just doesn't ring true to form.
Interesting thought on Simon. No, I don't think he kills Tina, but Alex Bain is an unusually good child actor,and his character has reason to have a lot of angst. Unless the writers settle for showing Simon to have good character, therefore a coasting role for the maturing actor,I can foresee some challenging story lines in future for the maturing 'piller to post' Simon.