Wednesday, 31 October 2012

State of the Street - October 2012

Maria went through hell thinking she might have breast cancer. I know that we went through this with Sally 2 years ago and people complain about repeat storylines. But breast cancer is more and more common. It isn't out of the ordinary that another resident in the same Street would either get it or have a lump and have to go through this. Luckily, Maria was clear and the main reason for the storyline was to be the catalyst to put Maria and Marcus in each other's radar. That's another really good storyline. It really can happen, a gay man can sometimes find he's attracted to a woman, especially in this case.

Marcus and Maria are best friends and very close. He adores her and the little one and that's a strong pull too since he wants a family so much. This isn't a case of him not being gay anymore, it's a case of him finding he's attracted to someone he never expected to be. He's not on the other team now, Maria is likely the exception to the rule. Will it last? Will it go the distance? Probably not but I think between these two friends, it will be handled really well.

Lewis did a runner after seeing a woman he conned in the past. Of course Audrey found out all about it and paid the woman off. Now Gail is intent on proving that he's scamming Audrey. Is she right? Can a leopard change his spots or not? Well it looks very much like Gloria is scamming Lewis and judging from some of the looks i've seen Gail give, she's in on it too. 

Lloyd and Jenna are getting to know each other and they quite like each other but Jenna spent most of the month angry at her mother. Well no wonder! Lloyd really feels caught in the middle and again, no wonder. It's all turned out ok in the end, you knew it would. Jenna has forgiven her mother and Mandy and Lloyd look like they'll be a couple again. After all, she was the love of his life (this week). For Jenna, it must really have felt like a betrayal but without being in her mother's shoes, how would she know how she herself would handle such a situation?

You think you would know but would you really raise a child with a man who loves you and the baby and tell the child from the start that she's the result of an affair? I don't think so. Adoption is different but even some kids who find out they're adopted don't take it very well. I really like this storyline, because I really like all three characters and the actors are very good. I've always liked Lloyd and this is the best storyline he's haver had! The Cheryl business is best forgotten. It did us no favours.

Tyrone is not legally Ruby's father on paper. Now he's going to have to stay with Kirsty to keep the baby and that's exactly what Kirsty planned. Even though she didn't know for sure that he wanted to end it, she did the deed as insurance and she can really be calculating, we've already seen that. In order to get a DNA test to prove it in court, he'd have to get her permission. If he tried to get the sample by subterfuge like Kevin did, Kirsty's solicitor would make mincemeat out of him but he'd still have the proof. She wanted to go live a life so she's got what she asked for. Tyrone's going to be the stay at home dad and make her go back to work. Things have gone quiet but you know they'll heat up again and even while things are ok, Tyrone is still guarded and watching Kirsty with a shadow of fear in his eyes. You can't sustain love with that hanging over it.

Meanwhile Fiz, who knows the truth, is giving Tyrone knowing looks, watching Kirsty like a hawk and can't stop herself sometimes from winding Kirsty up. Anyone that's watched soaps as long as I have can see where this is going. If Ty and Fiz don't actually get back together, they'll have a snog at some point. Kirsty will go ballistic, she will also find out that Tyrone has confided in Fiz and it will be game on. Maybe that will be the point where she hits the wall and finally gets help. I hope she does because I don't want to lose Natalie Gumede. She's too good!

One of the bigger stories of the month is the return of Wendy Crozier into Deirdre and Ken's lives. I don't blame Deirdre for being upset. Ken has a long history of affairs and even at 73 he's not likely changed his spots yet. It wasn't that long ago he was ready to sail away on the canal. I think the more suspicion that Deirdre lays on Ken over Wendy, the more he's going to end up feeling pushed into it. It would be really nice for it *not* to end in an affair this time! But then you know what will happen. He won't have the affair but Deirdre won't believe him, after his habit of a lifetime.

I can't say I am enjoying the Rovers' entry into the pub of the year contest. It was all right, Gloria was good in it but it's been a bit flat and non-funny even though I think it's meant to be. Except it was quite funny watching Dennis get legless on free drinks that one day. Dennis Tanner, the traditional cheeky scammer!

I don't understand why David and Kylie are so broke. I adore Kylie and now she's trying to make something more of herself and David isn't being very helpful. I can see his point, that the salon will be overstaffed but that's no reason why he can't at least start training her and encourage her to go to college to get qualified. She's working for Nick now and I really hope that they don't have her making a play for him as the more ambitious brother. Nick won't take her up on it, I'm pretty sure, even if, when Peter gets back, he and Leanne end up together. (no spoiler, I have no idea what's going to happen when Peter and Carla return, I'm only guessing)

Tracy's plans to wind up Steve and Michelle as revenge did a lot of damage. Little by little, we discover what we already figured out that not only was Tracy using Ryan, but she pretended to be pregnant, then, conveniently, wasn't after all, just "late" in spite of that trip to the doctor to confirm the pregnancy, and Ryan's world came crashing down when he realized it all.

Michelle's too, when Steve stupidly decided to break up with her as a ruse to push Tracy away from Ryan and not tell Michelle about the plan. Granted, her reaction was much more genuine that way but it isn't going to serve him well in the long run. Michelle might have taken him back but  Old mate Rob is all too willing to pick up the pieces when he messes up again and he will because he's Steve. Steve really is a plonker. How many of his Really Good Ideas have ever been that? I never liked Steve and Michelle together and I still don't.

Horrible storyline all around. Maybe not the worst ever but anything that features Tracy, Ryan and Michelle is never going to be anything I enjoy. The actor playing Ryan can't act and can't speak properly, Kym Lomas and Kate Ford are marginally better than they used to be but still not on the list of best performers in the cast.

What I have enjoyed, much to my surprise is the Cafe's international nights. Mary has gone over the top as usual but this Mary is back to the original concept of the character. Daft, over-enthusiastic, with a competitive edge rather than the shrewish, mean, almost-stalker she'd become for awhile. A night every few weeks shouldn't make that much of a dent in the Bistro's pockets, considering most of the punters after the first night were the usual crowd who don't usually eat in the Bistro anyway but the Bistro serving cheap breakfast every day definitely hurt the cafe and that wasn't fair at all.

You could see the theme nights getting more and more boozy and out of hand and sure enough Roy arrived home in the middle of a Greek fiasco. Was he right in banning Mary from the cafe, even as a customer? Well she's done a lot of iffy things in the past and I think she's well and truly burned her bridges. He accused her of living out her fantasies and that's exactly right. Yes, she was doing it to bring extra business in for Roy but had she been content to keep it to one or two theme nights, he might have been ok with it. But as per usual, Mary goes way too far. Ah, but now Nick has hired her to do theme nights once a week at the Bistro. Can you see Gail and Kylie putting up with her bullying? Perhaps Nick has the strength to put his foot down if she's going too far out.

Overall a mixed bag of a month. I've enjoyed a lot of the storylines, big and small. We're ramping up to Christmas and Sophie's recovery from her accident. I expect Ryan's addiction will be miraculously cured now he's promised her he won't do drugs again. It's a soap, of course Sophie will walk again with hard work and you realize, we do have a physical therapist in the cast now so it will be Jenna that pushes her along. I expect a Christmas miracle. 


  1. I'd just also like to say that the actor playing Ryan looks way too old to be only 20. I have found him unbelievable from the beginning. Bring back the original Ryan!

  2. Oh gosh. the original ryan was just as bad an actor !

  3. Great post, particularly your observations about the Maria/Marcus storyline. I think it has plenty of potential to explore "unknown territory" in terms of maintaining a sexual relationship that is almost entirely emotional - how awesome would that be? Particularly with Marcus? Heck ya.

    I'd like to see Kirsty end up in jail or the loonie bin for awhile, just to even the odds for Tyrone, who could compel a DNA test to are for Ruby rather than seeing her enter Care.

    I was surprised by Ken's reaction to Wendy's passes, saying that she'd almost ruined his marriage once and wouldn't do it this time. It would be nice if this false accusation stuff with Wendy could actually bring Dreary and Ken closer, committing to their marriage and perhaps actually doing something together outside of drinking at the pub and bickering.

    The dynamics of Mary, Gail and Kylie at the Bistro with Nick trying to rein them all in could actually bring some comedy back to the Street. I know that Leanne's said she doesn't love Nick but he seems genuinely keen on her and has regularly stepped up to help others in need out, perhaps he's a more mature, caring man now? I'd like to see those two connect but that seems impossible with Leanne claiming mothership of Simon.

  4. I agree. I think the dynamics in the Bistro could be good fun! And you are right about Nick. He's finally grown up. I like Nick with Ben Price playing him even though he's still a bit selfish and manipulative, given how he was working on undermining Leanne and Peter's marraige. I don't think he's left that behind but he's a far better character now than when Adam Rickett played him.

    Ken needs to have a hard look in the mirror. He might have backed away from Wendy, not wanting to throw his marraige away, but he could be seen as giving Wendy the wrong idea, what with his moaning about his and Deirdre's marraige being "happy enough" and all that.

  5. I don't like the Maria/Marcus storyline and am sorry to disagree. It just seems too quick and too contrived. She is totally tied up in him, and he with her, but he was never into her as a lover/physical attraction way. She, I felt, was into him but in a romantic Victorian type of way -- ie. he is a supportive wonderful man, I don't care about the lack of sex in our relationship. That they now can't be left alone in a room without snogging seems too much of a straying from character to me.

    Ken, Ken, Ken. When will he ever learn? I loved that Deirdre asked how he would reacte if she came home with the same story! :)
