Monday, 4 June 2012

Congratulations, Rita and Dennis

Julie's emotions got the better of her. I know just how she felt! By the end of tonight's double episode, with the marraige of Rita and Dennis Tanner, I was nearly in tears, meself! But enough of that. Here's a pictorial accounting of tonight's wedding and adventures.
The bride is having doubts in the wake of the revelations about Dennis' lies.

Norris sticks his nose in and demands to know what's going on, confessing to interfering and admitting he was the one that told Rita about Norma.

Rita makes Emily and Audrey go off to the registry office, expecting Tina back any minute to take her there. But Tina's on a mission to take down a drug dealer and takes off to bring down Goliath instead of taking Rita to the registry office. Look who shows up instead! Uh oh!

Meanwhile, everyone's waiting at the registry office.

Rick has arrived, Tina's threatened to drop the drugs in the water but is shocked when Rick produces Rita. Now what?

Back at the wedding venue, Dennis is sure that Norris is to blame. Norris smug but asks why he would be smug? (he's smugger than a smug thing, is Norris)
There's a struggle and Tina backs off though Rita's putting on a very brave face.

HA! Rick is caught red handed with the drugs!!

Tina has to race to the wedding venue where things are getting ugly between Dennis and Norris.
The police escort arrives with the bride.

Norris is told to shut up and escort her down the aisle.
They played "On the Street Where You Live"!!! I got all teary eyed, I really did!

And here's a few photos from the ceremony.

They are pronounced Husband and Wife!

The bride and groom arrive back on Coronation Street to join the Jubilee party for their reception. Where else could they possibly have it!

And there's a new Mrs. Tanner on the Street!

Read what I loved and hated about the wedding/Jubilee episodes and see more pics of all the costumes for the Street party here.


  1. Where do I know that officient from? She looks very familiar.
    Doesn't Rita look lovely!!! None the worse for wear and tear that day.

  2. I think maybe she's been in it before as an officiant. maybe?

  3. Was she the officiant for Sian and Sophie's wedding ??

  4. Yes it's the same actor playing the officiant, she's done a few weddings.
